When Will Wealthsimple Offer the FHSA?

On July 5th, 2023, Wealthsimple confirmed that the FHSA (First Home Savings Account) will be made available in Summer 2023. However, some members who signed up for the waitlist have been invited for early access to open an account.

Update: On August 3rd, 2023, Wealthsimple FHSA is officially released. Anyone eligible for a FHSA is now able to sign up for an account in the platform.

When Will Wealthsimple Offer the FHSA?

If you're interested in opening an FHSA with Wealthsimple, you can sign up to the waitlist here. Some Wealthsimple members who signed up for this waitlist have reportedly been invited for access as early as June 2023. But in any case, the Wealthsimple FHSA is still in beta testing, and it's not officially released for everyone just yet.

How to know if you have received an early invite?

I personally signed up for the waitlist in either late June or early July 2023, and I received an email notifying me that I am now able to open an FHSA as of July 13th, 2023.

FHSA is only available on Wealthsimple Mobile, for now

Wealthsimple FHSA Early Access

When the FHSA is available to you, you will receive a prompt upon opening the Wealthsimple app on mobile. It is not currently available on desktop or the web as of yet.

You can choose to close this prompt if you're not ready to open an account yet, and you will be able to find the option to open it later near the bottom of the app homepage as shown in the screenshots below.

Opening an FHSA at Wealthsimple 1
Opening an FHSA at Wealthsimple 2

If you haven't received an early invite, sit tight, as it's coming soon...

Wealthsimple has confirmed on Twitter that the FHSA will officially be launched in Summer 2023. This means that it will be released for everyone soon in the next few weeks, before September rolls around.

It's been a long wait, but it's going to be here soon! What are you looking to invest in with a FHSA?

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Find Ryan from DoorToRiches on X (Twitter), Threads, and Reddit for more finance content. Feel free to say hi!