Step 1: Multi-Select the Sheets You Want to Reorder
To select multiple sheets that you want to reorder together, click on one sheet, and then press on Shift + click on another to select all sheets contained in between.
For example, as shown in the screenshot below, to select Sheet8, Sheet9, and Sheet10 altogether, you can click on Sheet8, and then press on Shift while clicking Sheet10. You can also do it the other way around; you can click on Sheet10 and then Shift + Sheet8.

Step 2: Shift + Drag to Move the Selected Sheets
To move the selected sheets all in one go, click Shift and drag them to either the left or the right.
For example, to place Sheet8, Sheet9, and Sheet10 just after Sheet2, click Shift and drag the selection behind Sheet2.
This is a good way to reorder multiple sheets all at once instead of dragging Sheet8 after Sheet2, then Sheet9 after Sheet8, then Sheet10 after Sheet9. Moving the sheets one-by-one is doable if there are only a few of them, but if you are moving 30, it could get tedious and time-consuming! Knowing these shortcuts would make things easier.

Hope this helps!